The second dive into Pandora, Borderlands 2 still got it right

User Rating: 8.5 | Borderlands 2 (Deluxe Vault Hunter's Collector's Edition) PC
Borderlands 2 is a sequel to the critical acclaim Borderlands which was launched in 2009. Back then there was a big post-apocalypse fever. With the likes of Fallout 3, Metro 2033 and Rage, where does Borderlands fit in?rnrnI remember trying the game much later than it was originally launched. It was FUN and incredibly unique. No other games portray post-apocalypse like Borderlands did. Whether in term of comic-like graphics or light-hearted storytelling, it was completely different from other games.

Fast forward to 2012, Borderlands 2 takes the players back to the planet of Pandora. This time around the players get the choose from a whole new crews of characters comprising of the archetypes from the original, the Soldier, the Siren, the Assassin and a new hybrid class called the Gunzerker. The gameplay for each of the classes are similar to the original. All classes essentially play the same up to level 5 where, you unlocked the Action Skill which is unique to every class. Each time you level up, you earn a point which you can spend to upgrade passive skills or boost stats and so on. rnrnThe skill tree is simple enough to navigate. For each class, there are 3 skill trees from which you can choose. For example, the Gunzerker has Gunlust, Rampage and Brawn. Gunlust, like the name suggests focuses on the guns which allows you to reload at a much faster rate. further down the tree, you can even Gunzerk while you're down. Rampage focuses on a prolonging the duration of Gunzerking and lastly, Brawn, like a good old berserker, focuses on survivability and melee attacks. This provides a good and diverse gameplay in multiplayer should the player happened to select the same class. In the first playthough, the player will have just enough points to fill up a branch and maybe half of another tree by the time they reach a max level of 50. Should you get bored of the play style, the skill tree can be reset for just a minimal fee at the Quick Change machine where you can change your characters' skin and face.

The game ad claimed that Borderlands 2 has about 870 bazzilion whatever that means. This is because the game randomly generates the stats for each gun drop so each one is unique. In one case, for instance, a gun can consist of elemental damage and bizarre, annoying sound every time you pulled the trigger. But really, not every gun you will enjoy using, even more so, if you decide to take on Borderlands 2 in a single player. Some guns made no sense, for example, a shotgun with a capacity of 3 bullets but each shot consume 2 bullets. I bet no one want to use that in a jiffy. Each items has level and rarity assigned to them in the forms of colors ranging from white to purple and some very unique, in gold. The loots get better as more players join in a session. A game play session can have a maximum of 4 players. Thanks Gearbox for ditching that horrendous Game Spy platform for Steam, which makes Online play much smoother.

The story in Borderlands 2 follows a few years after the original Vault Hunters unknowingly spawns a rare mineral called Eridium throughout the Pandora. Hyperion corporation, with its leader, Handsome Jack, then takes over the planet and try to take control both the resource and the people of Pandora. The only people trying to stop this evil corporation are the original Vault Hunters and other NPCs from the first game. The players take the role of the new Vault Hunters, who search for a new vaults after hearing rumors that other vaults may still exist on Pandora. Pretty standard setting and sound dangerously boring BUT the moments the opening cut scene kicks in, you REALLY hate Handsome Jack as he taunts players throughout the games with threats and sarcasm. Emotion was what lacks in the first Borderlands storytelling. It really takes a while for the story to warm up but Borderlands 2 has a certain theme to it. Not for long you are fighting with the resistance. There is a certain drive and a goal to get to the finish line. The Main plot does get better and the side quests still shine in this sequel. One shudders at how weird these post apocalypse inhabitants can be.

The graphics in the game maintain the artistic style of the original. You feel pretty much at home here. In my opinion, they look more vivid and images look sharper that the original games. It can be quite hard at times, though, to spot enemies through all these ruggedness of backgrounds and buildings. Borderlands 2 is all about fun and thrill. Thus, the music-in-game and the voiceover have brought out these elements very clearly.

Bottomline, this game is really fun and engaging with better tale to tell. Though it could be a little lonely to take on this adventure alone, so don't forget to bring some friends to enjoy some fun together with the benefits of the perks and better loots. Of coz, one downside though, and I really hope Gearbox find some way to fix it. All random loots drops or chests can be grabbed by just about anyone. This can makes multiplayer an awful experience as everyone run for the nearest chests. You've been warned!