Kind of dissapointing.

User Rating: 5 | PC Genjin 3 TG16
Ok here's another review. I thought of adding a pros and contras section so ok. Bonk's Big Adventure is a sidescroller first released for the TG16. I'm not that of a Bonk's fan, but I really liked Super Bonk for the SNES. This game was a little bit dissapointing because I don't think it captures the escence of Bonk's game. In the game basically you play as Bonk. You have to complete each level picking up powerups and beating enemies. At the end of each level there's a boss battle, which is not really good. After you complete each level you get to play some minigames. The game has 7 levels with 3 parts each one, so it's extremely short. Now the review but first:
Pros: Colorful graphics. Fun co-op two player's mode.
Contras: The gameplay with the wiimote is not well implemented. Neither with the GC controller. Big Bonk usuall doesn't work. Too easy boss battles. Extremely short.
Now the reviewing values:
Graphics: The graphics may be colorful but some scenaries are just not well done. The desing of enemies and Bonk it's OK:
Difficulty: The gameplay can actually make the game frustrating, but the difficulty is way too easy, the boss battles are actually too simple, but still as I was saying, the gameplay makes it hard so I give it a:
Addiction: let me tell you, the addiction in this game is not a lot but its still fine:
Gameplay: The gameplay for the Wii is super bad implemented:
Replay Value: Something dissapointing about it is that there's absolutely none, perhaps the most dissapointing, even The Legend of Zelda had replay value:
Variety: Well, just not much:
Sound: The sound is also just fine, not annoying but not the best:
Story: Beating King Drool again can get more boring than actually beating Bowser because at least Mario Bros. story deffer a little:
Multiplayer: Actually this is the best part of the game, it's just fun to go cooperative with your friends:
Conclusion: The controls make an easy game into a frustrating experience and that is dissapointing. You can beat the game in less than 3 hours and the only fun you'll get from it is playing with a friend.