a fun and addictive game, but can get repetitive fast and doesnt have enough maps for long lasting value

User Rating: 7.4 | Bomberman Live X360
bomberman is a great addition to xbla, but just doesnt have enough content to justify the 800 points

Gameplay 8
its fun old fashioned bomberman!

graphics 8
the graphics on bomberman are suprisingly nice and realy good looking, they are smooth and simple designed

sound 6
sound can get a bit repetitive when the same tune is played repeatedly on every map, but still the tune aint that annoying in the first place

value 7
online and local multiplayer is a blast
single player can become boring and repetitive real fast, the clumsy AI dont help either

reviewers tilt 7
i found it enjoyable but frustrating at the same time, this was my most anticipated xbla game ever and it realy dissapointed me

achievements 6
two of the achievements require you and another person to be wearing the same clothes, wich is totaly stupid and annoying if you dont no anybody with, lets say a cowboy outfit, but still most achievements arent all that challenging