Bomberman is a fun, worthwhile arcade title that everyone can and will (if pur chased) enjoy.

User Rating: 8.6 | Bomberman Live X360
Bomberman Live is essentially just like any other bomberman, with the exception of Act: Zero. And though I never played Act Zero (sounds like a blessing), I think bomberman fans around the world are more than happy that the one game this isn't similiar too is Act Zero.

The best features of Bomberman Live are the multiplayer, customizability, and value. The multiplayer is fantastic mayhem, with up to 8 players. It's one of those games that while skill comes into play, you don't need to be any good to enjoy the game.. even dying can be fun. I'd say it's damn near impossible to play this game for more than 10 minutes and not laugh once at a death you got, the game is just so crazy that that's what its like.

The customizability is good in 2 ways, which are game-play and your bomberman. There's thousands of combinations you can have for your bomberman, and it's easy to be unique. You can have certain outfits like a Cowboy, the classic bomberman, a mad scientist bomberman, a pirate, a soldier, and so on. But if you like the body of a cowboy, and the head of a soldier, you can have those.

The customizability for the gameplay is equally extensive. There's several game modes such as Tournament, where you play several rounds which are on different, random maps with up to 8 players, and the player who wins the most is the victor. There's also normal battles where you choose the map, all the settings including which power ups there are, how many rounds, and so on. There's quite a few game modes as well, such as Zombie, where the goal is to bomb tiles to "paint" them. If you die, you come back to life, but you lose all your tiles. The player at the end with the most tiles wins. There's also tons of map-specific game modes such as, on the classic map, a mode that puts everyone at maximum running speed for fast-paced chaos.

The value speeks for itself.. This game can last a long time, and it only costs about 10 dollars.

The sound is what you'd expect from bomberman, which isn't a bad thing. It has the nice bomber-man style techno which doesn't get annoying, as well as the high pitched voices that narate the map. It's not spectacular, but it's fitting, and not annoying, which is the main thing.

There's some drawbacks though.. the main one for me is the lack of teams. One thing I enjoyed in bomberman was having teams and battling it out as a team. Another is the graphics.. While they're good for an arcade game, the backgrounds could have been better.. They're fairly undetailed, even for backgrounds, and it would have been nice if they could have been 3D, though it doesn't matter too much, and that admitadely have been work that doesn't improve the gameplay. The last, and probably the worst, is that the only way to unlock the bomberman-outfits is to play Single Player, and collect "orbs". While the single player is fun in moderation, it's just nowhere near as good as online or with friends.

Bomberman is a great arcade title, that's fun for everyone, has plenty of chaos, and doesn't grow dull fast. Plenty of customization give it longevity, and all the power-ups make sure that the gameplay is never repetitive. I recommend this to anyone. This more than makes up for Act: Zero.