This is not a master piece game, but it is fun to play. Many mini games tied together in one big story.

User Rating: 8.5 | Bomberman Land Touch! DS
The mini games range from easy to a bit hard, and most use the stylus. You can always go back and play the mini games again. Only flaw is that it won't mark the game as complete as there is no save point after defeat of the end boss. Other than that fun to play and play again, and not too hard. The mini games are based on speed and skill, so training yourself helps in beating the game. A bit of puzzling is involved, but not too much.
A good buy to kill a couple of hours. It took me about 15 hours to beat the game, more skilled players will have an easier time. It has good replay value in the mini games. The graphics are good, the characters are fun, and it is nice to have a story that gives background to the action. Classic Bomberman is also included, however I haven't played it since I am no fan of Bomberman.
I recommend this game, as well as its sequel, Bomberman Land Touch 2!