Still cool today

User Rating: 7.5 | Bomberman GB 2 GB
I use to paly this game all the time as a kid. I played it again and I still enjoyed it. This is just like all the other bomberman games an adventuer mode with solid multi player. The story is Bomberman is explroing ruins when all of a sudden he falls through a hole, now he must kil levery monster he comes across to find his way home. Each world has it's own theam wich means own dangers and enamey typs. This really keeps things fresh.There are about 4 or so levels in each one but it stil ltakes some time to beat it Each world you have 2 choices between levles this really gives it some repaly value. Theres A (standerd) and B wich gives you some extra challenge for thoes who are looking for it. Each level is what you expect you have to destroy a number of enameys in a certain amount of time. This gets harder as the games goes on with bigger levels and more to fight. But the classic bomberman power ups are here to help. To end each world theres also boss fights. You kill them all the same way (blow them up) but each has it's own stragity for killing you. The game has a nice leanth and even thoe the multi player was only 2 palyers it still was cool. Don't let the age of this game throw you off it's still a lot of fun to play today.