I love it. I hate it. I can't stand it. I can't stay away from it.

User Rating: 4.3 | Bomberman: Act Zero X360
The best way to evaluate this game is to ignore everything that has come before it, its derivative influences, its asking price, its music, and style and evaluate it like you never played Bomberman before. Admittedly, I am a fan of films like the Cube trilogy so that makes accepting the style much easier.

This game was abysmal. But for everything it did wrong which you have heard in every other review, I couldn't help coming back to it. The online is a blast when you get a room of people. The tactical element is still just as demanding and rewarding. It's still shallow and almost worthless, but I still find it fun. Watch for the bargain bin. This game will be worth picking up, but only when you can get it for under $15.