Bomberman Act Zero is easily one of the worst games ever made.

User Rating: 1.3 | Bomberman: Act Zero X360
Bomberman Act Zero had one small thing going for it, it was trying something new. Too bad it failed in every way possible. From the moment the main menu loads and you notice the up and down selection sensitivity is so high you can barely select the option you want - you know the game is going to be bad, really really bad. The first option in said menu is Xbox Live multiplayer, which is what the game seems to have been designed entirely around considering the poor excuse for any sort of narrative. Which is strange because, Bomberman fans take note, THERE IS NO SAME SCREEN MULTIPLAY. That's right, one of the staples of the Bomberman titles has been dissected from the game. You'll just have to settle for playing someone over XBL, assuming you have gold Live account. And that's also assuming you want to play the game to begin with.

The controls are broken in every sense of the word. Considering that the only real change to the Bomberman formula here is a radically redesigned visual style that, for all intents and purposes, should have not affected the gameplay whatsoever; it is mind blowing that the developers could get the grid based gameplay so wrong. Even though the Bomberpeople (there are female characters in this mess of a game too) look like they weigh a ton, they glide about the grid like Olympic figure skaters. The bombs do not sound dangerous. And the music is terrible, which is easily fixable by streaming a custom play list, but still inexcusable in a world where we have game scores the like of God of War and Halo. There's also a half-arsed create a bomber option thrown in.

The only interesting thing about this game is it's new take on the Bomberman look. The graphics aren't terrible but they sure aren't great either, and the terrible gameplay only serves to make them that much less interesting.

Put quite simply, Bomberman Act Zero sucks.