Oh I never thought I'd have a Bomberman game be in my worst games of the year coming at #6!

User Rating: 2.9 | Bomberman: Act Zero X360
Why oh why did I have to play this game it isn't all that good! The good thing about this game is ..... um well there really isn't anything good about this game! That's why it's at #6 in my countdown I just don't really seem to like this game very much! Everything you enjoyed about previous Bomberman games has been stripped out of this one; ugly graphics and lifeless sound design; shallow gameplay that gets old after about five minutes; no offline multiplayer. Gamespot is right about that couldn't have said it better (actually I could have) but that's not the point. And what happened to Bomberman! He doesn't look like himself I'm really serious! I never knew that it would be all that bad but it is!

It's the same how I got the Red Steel Game being the.... well you get picture I'm a Bomberman fan believe me but this game isn't cool! And Gamespot is right about this: Bomberman: Act Zero is nothing short of a complete rip-off, especially at full price. With only a couple of modes, no offline multiplayer, no save system, and a weak and repetitive single-player game, it has less to offer than many free demos on Xbox Live Marketplace. You can earn some achievement points by breaking a certain number of blocks, or by surviving a certain number of rounds, but it's not worth playing this game just to get the points. If Act Zero were released as an Xbox Live Arcade game for a fraction of the price, it might almost be passable. As it is, it's simply a waste of your time and money.

If you think about buying this game something is wrong really wrong. Don't rent it dont' buy it don't even look at it. Instead of selling it I gave it to my dog and my dogg ripped the plastic to shreds then I buried the case in my backyard. Then I broke the disk into two and then I put a paper gravestone over the buried case and it says "Here the lies one of the worst games that Roger has ever played R.I.P." Two thumbs down in other words.