the game is trash

User Rating: 1 | Bomberman: Act Zero X360
The game is terrible. But to be fair the game has some Ups. First off Frame Rate. Frame Rate is impervious. It never slows down ever over the net it runs like butter. The graphics are not bad but they are not great. The levels are all the same, and no visuals. Cam angles suck and get really awkward. Especially if your in a battle you might miss whos where. Gameplay. Its trash 100 levels no checkpoints, save spots, or anything else. Its just one sit through of the game. 1 hit to die and if you die you start back at level one. Sound. Bad voice acting and bad music that doesn't seem to immerse you.
Story. Where to begin. You find yourself at the bottom of this testing area and must fight up through 100 levels to escape the facility.

This game is bad and is not a good addition for the gamers collection. You might want it to say hey ive got Bomerman Act zero.