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User Rating: 4 | Bomberman: Act Zero X360
Bomberman: Act Zero, what a cheesy name. Bomberman used to be fun during its Nintendo and N64 days, but has now been downgraded to whatever this is supposed to be.

The story.. I don't even know it, I didn't tell me when I started playing. But this game could have been good, if they realized the true potential.

Gameplay is fine, it's not great.. It's playable, nothing is wrong there, the only thing is the lack of power-ups and moves from past Bomberman games.

Graphics are not so good, the levels are pretty much the same. There are no different looking levels or anything, just the same thing over and over.

Bomberman: Act Zero also lacks local multi-player and only provides online games and the two main modes FPA and Standard. In FPA, you have hit-points and once you run out, you die. Standard is just one hit and you're out.

There are 99 levels in this game and you only get one life. I don't understand why they did this, but if you ever consider getting it, know that the online community is dead, and you're only playing this by yourself.

Graphics: 6/10
Gameplay: 7/10
Story: 1/10
Sound: 5/10

It would have been better for Xbox Live Arcade. If you want something to spend little time on, this game hardly cost anything anymore.