Wait for the Bargain Bin

User Rating: 5 | Bomberman: Act Zero X360
Alright, I went into this game with a bit of an open mind seeing as I like Bomberman. It was also a plus that I didn't have to pay to play this. The Single Player to this game is terrible its basically the multiplayer with bots. It gets so tedious that you make it to about Round 4, die, get pissed, and then just shut it off. The FPB mode, what the hell? This is Bomberman, life bars should not be in Bomberman. I just think they added this in so that they can say its not more of the same. Essentially this is MORE of the same old Bomberman but with an updated look and its definitely not worth $50. They should of just released Super Bomberman or an old style looking Bomberman on the Marketplace, charged $5-10 and it would of been great. The Multiplayer is fun because its the pretty much the same multiplayer they've used for Bomberman for years, but why in the hell did they not include up to at least 4 players locally. I know they want to push the Live capabilities, but I want to play Bomberman with my friends. They really dropped the ball with this game. Its not a complete waste, but don't pay $50 for it, wait for it to drop down to $20 which should be in about a few weeks. Its worth it for the fun online multiplayer, but with a lack of local play I'd much rather just get my friends together with our DSs and play Bomberman DS.