Wish they just didnt slap the original bomberman onto the DS just for an easy sale - but there are a few new things.

User Rating: 6.8 | Bomberman DS
The actual game seems to be the same as it has been a decade ago. There are a few little naks they added here and there. I love bomberman, no doubt, otherwise i wouldnt have bought it. The main thing is its great multiplayer fun. If you can get a group together than go at it - you will have some laughs. Game itself is just good enough for a long bus trip. Unfortunately the touch pad wasnt utilized very much at all. If you die you can still throw the occasional bomb from the sidelines to try and get back in the game - thats one of the only uses of the touch pad in the game. I gave this game a low score mainly due to the fact that developers today are getting quite good at re-releasing games we have all played a million times over. Im somewhat getting fed up with it. If your going to create a bomberman for the DS, at least utilize the system the way it was ment to be. Graphic wise this game belongs on the GBA.