Although the single player may be completely worthless, Bomberman still delivers a good gaming experience.

User Rating: 7.8 | Bomberman DS
It seems that the DS games just won't stop coming. First, Kirby Canvas Curse, now Bomberman. The game does have some very simple controls; you almost think that it's just another game that doesn't take advantage of the DS's many features, but it does. It doesn't require much touching in the singleplayer campaign; just to select your powerups, but no one really buys a Bomberman game just for single player. The single player gets very frustrating because it has only one save point every five stages. If you get to the fourth stage of a section, and die, then you must return all the way to the first. I went through this process a couple of times before eventually giving up and focusing on multiplayer with the AI. That's the redeeming gameplay feature of the game-multiplayer. Whether it be with other DS owners, or just a couple of AI opponents, this is what has kept me hooked on the game. It offers a variety of gametypes such as Capture the Crown, Voice detonating, and some classic stages from previous Bomberman games. What makes this game so original is that matches are played over two screens, instead of just one in previous games, and not to mention the single player mode. This makes all the matches a little more interesting and longer. Overall, the game plays well, but mostly on multiplayer. I'm a bit dissappointed with the graphics. The DS was made to handle 3D graphics, and we just keep getting games that could be played on a GBA if it had an extra screen. Most everything is just 2D, but Bomberman really has always been 2D, so it doesn't take much getting used to. The sound is a little off too. It plays the same song over and over from menu to actual gameplay. The voicing is loud and high pitched, but it's not that bad. The sound effects are really good though. Overall, this is another DS game worth buying, even if it is just for multiplayer.