Solid DS game but all the talk about a weak single player is true.

User Rating: 8.8 | Bomberman DS
As far as single player goes, the gameplay is your usual blow up blocks and enemies to get to a goal. There's 100 stages divided into 10 levels of increasing difficulty with a bonus stage in the middle and boss stage at the end of each level. Simple gameplay doesn't change much except for the fact that enemies have different hit points and attacks. The game as a good quick save feature so its a good way to pass the time especially on a trip. The touch screen is used as a way to select different items and nothing more can really be expected from it. The graphics are pretty good for a Bomberman game and the sound is right on par with the rest of the games in its series. The multiplayer is where Bomberman has always shined. Even alone, the bots do a good job at providing a challenge and with the many modes and items it never gets old. Playing with friends through wi-fi is the highlight of this game and some would agree that multiplayer Bomberman is one of the funnest experiences. So if you're a fan of the series, this game won't disappoint.