deffinatly lives up to the bomberman name. and might accually be the best bomberman game ever made.

User Rating: 9.5 | Bomberman DS
This game never gets old. you can play it for hours on end by yourself and you can still have fun every game. there are many different gametypes and some you even have to use the microphone in the ds to play with. the story mode is fun and easy and will leave you wanting a harder experience. but multiplayer makes up for that. it is extremely fun being able to play bomberman with up to 8 people per game, and you can also make teams of up to 4. you can also change the difficulty level, i never put my teammates on hard because they accually go out of their way in order to kill ME, not the enemy, me. my score: 9.5/10. believe me, play it, love it.