It is a lot like the other Bombermans

User Rating: 5 | Bomberman DS
It is a lot like the old ones. There is a single player and there are levels and everything, but I'm not sure if there is a story or not. In the single player there is big room with a buch of explodable things that are blocking your way from the enemies. So then you lay down your bombs, which you have infinate of, and then you blow up all the walls and put bombs next to the enemies.

There are a bunch of power ups for this game. From water bombs to larger exploding bombs. Or there are power ups where you can kick bombs and many other things.

There is a multiplayer that you can acess through your WiFi connection and play with people all over. Or if there is nobody to play with you can play with the computers. And there are lots of settings to customize.

I don't think that this particular Bomberman was anything special so if you have it for another system and don't need it handheld I wouldn't get this.