I got this game cheap, but that doesn't exempt it from cheap gameplay. Characters and animations are great, but too easy

User Rating: 8.5 | Board Game Classics GBA
Since I got this game for only $2 two years ago, I have totally enjoyed this laid back, slightly RPG-ish (ever so slightly) game. So, the game includes checkers, chess, and backgammon. The reason why I said it's slightly RPG-ish is because the characters you are/face are very Japanese-inspired beings. I mean, you face an elf, shark man, a weird alien robot guy, and some red shirted nerd... etc. The elf, Tellem, is awesome! Whenever I unlock her as a playable character, I always choose her as me... I hope that doesn't sound creepy... erm.... Anyhoo, the difficulty level is extremely easy though, but the animations for the chess is cool. When a piece kills another, a cutscene shows it. (Yes! The Barbarian queen knocks over the ugly rook thingy! As an example).
Cutscenes, characters, and animations are excellent.
Standard board game gameplay.
One BGM is really spectacular.
Password unlockables?
Ugly rooks.
All other BGM is bad.
One female character!
Way too easy.
Backgammon? What's that?
I really like this game...>.<