Needed a Better "Game" to Back up the Dumb Porn and Stupid Jokes...

User Rating: 5.8 | BMX XXX XBOX
I really wanted to like this game, it contained many things I enjoy. Racing, Girls, Customization, and lots of jokes. It just so happens BMX doesn't really deliever the goods on any of these four factors. The videos of the girls are stupid for anyone with half a brain, they don't even show much and are of low quality.

+ Combines racing, nude girls, lots of missions and some jokes

+ The Soundtrack is not that bad

- The controls for your bike are basic, nothing special

- The "unlockable" content is not worth it, if you are thinking about getting the game for this factor you will be disappointed!

- Some jokes are really stupid and not funny at all

Basically, there is not much to say about this game. You run tedious and dumb missions on your bike while unlocking stupid videos. For both the videos and the game...There is nothing here you haven't seen before...and better!