A pretty good game even though many people tend to think differently

User Rating: 8.4 | Blue Stinger DC
Blue Stinger is a survival horror adventure game for the Sega Dreamcast. The game is about a man named Eliot G. Ballade who is on vacation in the waters near Dinosaur Island when the ship he is on is trapped in a dome of energy and a creature named Nephilim goes to help save him and helps him to solve what is going on in Dinosaur Island

Gameplay: The gameplay for the game is different from other survival horror games. This is different by not having the fixed camera angles (like in the Japanese version) but instead having a behind the back camera like in Tomb Raider. The game is also different by letting the player use guns and melee weapons such as using the characters fist, axes, laser swords and many more. Also after killing an enemy, the enemy spit coins out of their bodies, which you can use to purchase weapons, ammo, and health. In the game you also heal yourself in real time meaning that when you heal you heal during gameplay and if you have an enemy attacking you will heal in front of the enemy during gameplay and if you get hit you will not be healed.

Graphics: The visuals for the game are descent and the environments are in full 3d. Sound: The sound is pretty descent but nothin to exciting about it.

Replayability: They game is pretty good to be replayed for the game having a few extra items that can be obtained after playing the game a few times.

Overview: Blue Stinger is a pretty good game despite what others may say about it and the game has a few interesting features about it and if you want to play a descent game I would suggest that you try before you buy.