The most mind numbingly annoying RPG i've had the displeasure of playing.

User Rating: 2 | Blue Dragon X360
I'm sorry but im going to rip into this game...I've been playing Japanese RPG's for years and this is probably the poorest attempt i've seen so far.

Everything about it annoys me, from the annoying little characters that you cant feel any sympathy for, to the 'cant be arsed' graphics to the outdated fight system. This might have been acceptable 5 years ago, but now, on the XBOX360? No. Not even kids will find the graphics good, they're just an excuse to get the graphics done easily, its that simple.

The story has been seen in about 100,000,000 RPG's before, and it doesn't do it as well as many other games i can mention.
Can we please have some RPG's on XBXO360 worthy of Final Fantasy, because the lack of quality RPG's on the console is embaressing, and this kiddy piece of manure really isn't helping things.

Sorry Mistwalker, but this really is a half arsed attempt at an RPG.