Worth playing if you have the time for it.

User Rating: 8.5 | Blue Dragon X360
Game Review-Xbox 360-Blue Dragon

Review 160

Released: August 28, 2007
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
Developer: Mistwalker
Game Genre: Role-Playing
ESRB Rating: T for Teen
ESRB Descriptors: Alcohol Reference, Crude Humor, Fantasy Violence,
Mild Language, Mild Suggestive Themes

Story: 30%
Gameplay: 40%
Graphics: 20%
Durability: 10%

Story (9/10)
Well…where to start…

The story begins in Talta Village with three young people; Shu, Jiro and Kluke. Their village is attacked annually by a 'land shark', and this year, the three kids have devised a plan to destroy it once and for all.

The only problem I have with the storyline is its implementation. There are a lot of aspects that simply have to be taken for granted because they are not explained well. The ending movie is very good, and well worth 70+ hours spent on this game.

Gameplay (8/10)
There is certainly enough to make this game good, but not nearly enough to make it exceptional. The pace of the battle system is a little slow and awkward, especially when you have to make your way through a large dungeon.

There is a class system involved as well. I hate class systems with a passion. I can never tell whether to make each character a single class throughout the game or if I should mix and mingle, and usually there are way too many classes involved. Blue Dragon's class system works out very well, however. There are only 8 or 9 classes available, and each are balanced very well so that you can mix classes or stick one character with one class throughout the game.

Boss battles in Blue Dragon are also created very well. Until you have the chance to really train your characters, bosses are difficult but not impossible. Another flaw I find in many RPGs is that the difficulty of bosses forces the gamer to train their characters for an hour or two to get them up to a good level. I have more to do than waste my time battling monster after monster.

Dungeons aren't too tedious, although there is a bit of puzzle work involved. The game provides you with a map in the lower left corner that helps you from getting helplessly lost.

Graphics (8/10)
I played the game on a standard-definition television (because I am a poor college student and can only afford a 13" Tevion that has no remote control and does not work with any universal remote controls). The graphics impressed me, but there is lag in the battle system, usually when 2 or 3 characters are charging up attacks or spells.

Durability (10/10)
Those looking for a trip back to the good ole days of RPGs will find happiness in Blue Dragon. I put almost 74 hours into the storyline to beat the game. On top of that, there is a mod available via Xbox Live Marketplace that allows you to replay the game with previous data on a much harder difficulty.

Overall Score (8.5/10)

Final Thoughts:
A great RPG to play if you have the time for it.