The demo does this game no justice. It rules. I played all the way to the end and won. No disappointments. Only love!!!!

User Rating: 9 | Blue Dragon X360
Because of the Demo,. I waited so long to get into the game. The new character customization system is the only new one I have fully liked. It was very nice waking up in the morning, grabbing a cup of coffee and playing this game. All the innovation in this game is to be loved. I gave it .5 of a demerit on my score because of the laggy dragon moments and I wasn't too crazy about the stores. The economy needed a tweeking. The other .5 demerit Blue Dragon gets from me, is that when I beat the game, I got no Gamer points. I guess I'll have to buy the book at Blockbusters so I can look awesome at the game. I don't care I beat it already. Who I do give a low score to for the flawed game play, is Microsoft. They get a big 1.5 demerit. Overall I am very happy I played it. That doesn't happen alot for me. If you are indifferent after you play the demo, then rent it and give it some time. I had to level up to level 65 before I could beat it on my 3rd try. My secret was to be a snoop the whole game and then level everyone's Generalist class up to level 21. I made special savepoints for the Mechat and wagon missions, so when I do it perfect I get some big GP.
