The Common cure for Insomnia

User Rating: 4 | Blue Dragon X360
Blue Dragon is, at best, a game to play when your bored, and want to increase your boredom. The characters are bland, with no real reason to care what they do or why they do it, you will soon find yourself asking "Why am I playing this?".
The monsters are laughable(not in a good way) and look like they were made in a RPG Monsters 101 class. There is not reason, other than geitting the game points, to play this game. The levels are bland and lifeless, and if you are the least bit tired, you might just find yourself falling alseep. By my guess, at least an hour of my 15 hours on this game were spent sleeping if front of my TV.
If you are really looking for an RPG to play, Lost Odyssey is a decent game,Eternal Sonata couldnt be any worse, and as far as Oblivion goes, its the best game on the 360, so you should have played it by now.If Oblivion is a amusement park, than Blue Dragon is a job proof reading highschool textbooks.