Most games make improvements with sequels, Bloody roar 4 falls short of that pattern.

User Rating: 5.8 | Bloody Roar 4 PS2
Being a fan of bloody roar games i was like "i cant wait to play bloody roar 4". I honestly should have waited longer. Heres a description of basically what the game is and has to offer. Graphics: uh, their good:) Gameplay: Compared to the other bloody roar games, it sucks something feirce. With crappy new characters this game offers a whole new level of gay. Aside from that, the levels, including the ones in previous games, have been downsized to the point of it being ridiculas, who wants to see a werewolf kicking a moles ass in a 4 by 2 arena?¿ sure it would be amusing in real life, but in the game, queer as folk. I'd rather take a poo, or even play a game where you play as a guy taking a poo. The game has a new beast gage system where instead of just dying when you run out of life, you automatically go into beast mode. It sounds like a good change, but it comes off as confusing and un-helpful. They also added a new carrer mode that (kinda) lets you customize your characters. all that it really does is mak them slightly more powerful or swap their moves for other characters moves, making the gameplay entirely too easy. The only real good thing about it is that it gives you additional moves and combos for each character, including a third beast drive. Overall its a waste of time though. Sound: think of the greatest, most well done and well thought out voice acting, sound effects and background music you've ever heard!! Now think of the exact opposite and thats what BR4's sound is like. Its like listening to a fat man with a chunk of beef stuck in his throat snoring while sleeping on an abnoxious beached whale, giving birth to the sears tower. Love, peace and chicken grease. -Jake