Not as bad as some people say.

User Rating: 8.4 | BloodRayne PC
O.K so far this game has gotten some pretty bad reviews, but after playing the entire game I found it to be very addictive. It has some really nice cut scenes and the game play is fun as well. The graphics are pretty good and there are no bugs or choppy game play. The one problem I did have was with the controls or movements, there are just way too many maneuvers you could do with bloodrayne that it just makes the whole thing a little confusing, I found my self just sticking to a couple of key maneuvers that worked pretty well, but eventually you will find yourself trying to master every possible maneuver that bloodrayne can do. The story line is pretty dam good itself, it wont bore you to death. The sultry voice over for bloodrayne is done very well. I also enjoyed the beautiful / sexy graphics of bloodrayne.