Bloodrayne 2: Love the character, hate the controls!

User Rating: 6.3 | BloodRayne 2 PC
I finally got a hold of this game after waiting forever for it. I am one of those people that still doesn't have a gaming console. Silly me, I spent over $$ on a computer that's supposed to do everything, including games so I'm going to use it until the day that it dies! But I digress, this is about Bloodrayne 2.

The character of Bloodrayne looks fantastic, I loved everything about her. They hit the mark dead on with it. Her new abilities, also a plus, so what's wrong? On the pc it's almost impossible to execute any of the cool combo moves unless you have more than ten fingers! What where they thinking? Why isn't there one button that I could assign a combo move to? Why do I have to smash my face on the keyboard to get Rayne to do anything remotely cooler than just slashing and kicking?!

This is about the only gripe I have with this game. I'm sure if I played it on a console machine, I wouldn't have cared, but then again those controllers they use have so many buttons, I probably would have complained!

In short, if you're young and have a console machine, you'll love this game, if you're old and have a pc, you'll hate the controls!