A good but not perfect Bond Game.

User Rating: 8 | Blood Stone: 007 X360
James Bond 007 Bloodstone is a game that continues the series of 007, who had a pretty bad outing in Quantum Of Solace. The story picks up from where Quantum of Solace left and players will travel to locations like siberia and bangkok in order to take down a group of mafias that are indulging in dangerous and illegal chemical activities. This game improves and also takes a few setbacks from the previous game. Lets continue…..
First and Foremost, Bloodstone is an gorgeous looking game. There are exotic locations like the casino and bangkok and snow-based missions in siberia. I wished I had spent time marvelling at the locations butif not for the ongoing action, especially in Chase scenes. And yes, there are plenty of action in this game, regardless on foot or on Vehicle. The vehicle chase scenes are the standouts in this game. There will be boat chases, a hovercraft battle and plenty of Aston-Martin Chases. It is fun and exciting but the horrendous difficulty inavoiding traffic tends to dampen the enjoyment. Nevertheless, the vehicle scenes in this game are extremely fun.*Be sure to check out the mission where you escape the tumbling oil refinery in siberia in your martin. However, the same cannot be said for the gun action. It does not have the Battlefield or COD feel of gun-play. Instead, we have some kind of cranky action where Bond enter's this area, shoot the baddies, enter next area,shoot baddies and so on. However, there are some standouts such as escaping from an tumbling Grinding generator and evading an heli-copter onslaught. Gun-sounds in this game are pretty awful and there are very few gun-types in this game. Where are the rocket launchers, grenades,Flamethrowers,AK-47s and so on? Gun variety is certainly an weak point in the game. Your silenced pistol is the most handy gun in the game as it takes out each baddie silently in one shot, which comes to my next favourite part, STEALTH.
In most missions, you start off in stealth mode and you creep here and there and take out each baddie using your tactics and movements. Upon standing near an enemy, you take down each enemy using several moves and this earns you one skill. There are a maximum number of 3 skills at one go and once you initiate the skill, you take out each goon using your silencerwith one immediate shot. And MY, the takedown moves are simply awesome, typical Bond style. I preferred completing each mission in stealth mode rather than all guns blazing. However, there are some parts in each mission where you have to whip out those machine guns and take down the baddies. Your phone will be with you in every mission and through this phone, you can highlight enemies' positions, their awareness of your presence, objective markers and interesting objects to scan which gives you info to read. Your phone comes in handy.
Characters in this game look marvellous, except Bond who looks like a boring person who didn't want to take the bond job. The voice acting is great and Daniel Craig lends his voice for Bond. M returns in this game and her voice sounds great too. Facial Animations and movements could have been better but nevertheless, great. The music at the intro of the game was nice and WTH was the developers thinking when they decided to put the themesong when the credits are rolling? Man, that was a terrible decision. They could have put it at certain parts of the game. Enemy AI in this game is smart although some may be just dumb to shoot at explosives beside them.

Bloodstone is a solid game that could have been improved in many ways. Butnevertheless, it is a good action game that is worthy of your money.Campaign length is about 6 hours and difficulty level is relatively easy. I recommend getting this game only after you are suffering from boredom from playing all those blockbusters in the market.