James bond is a shooter and steatlh. Everthing you want from a james bond game.

User Rating: 9 | Blood Stone: 007 PS3
First of all the only bad thing about this game is the driving. Yes the reviewer loved it but geez the sensitvity when your driving is crazy! And they put obstacles in your way but its so hard to turn when your going that fast. Thats the only bad part.
The story in this game isnt bad but it isnt amazing its a good story. Im gunna give it a 8

The graophics are preety good the takedowns facial expressons look great this sections gets a good 9

The sound for this game is amazing if you like james bond movies sound youll love this one a 9.5. An added bonus is that daniel craig voices james bond which i love becuase i think he was the best bond.

GAmeplay is composed inot 3 parts ill review all three. My favourite part is the steatlh you can hide behind cover and take them down from the side drag them over the cover there at. Its all so awesome and stlyslh. The least impressive section but its not bad is the gadgets there fun to use and the smartphone has kinda the same purpose as detctive vision from batman arkham asylum but it is still good. The main section of the gameplay is the gunplay. The gunplay is extremly fun in this game you earn this thing called focus aim from performing takedowns from stealh or from running up to them and pressing the square button. This allows bond to instaly kill the 3 men (if you only have and 3 is the maximum) this is a pop up and down shooter so if you dont like it this is not for you. But if you like or dont mind it try this game. Stealh is a 9.5 Gadgets get a 8.5 and gunplay gets a good 9.

All in all this games bond game is an impressive and well put together game. I know im gunn aget hate for this but it's better then black ops and i have played both! Blood stone is a great game and i advise everyone to atleast rent it but if your a shooter fan and james bond fan buy it its amazing!