Bond, James Bond? More like Dom, Bore Dom!

User Rating: 4 | Blood Stone: 007 PC
Warning! You've been warned about spoilers ahead!

007: Blood Stone is actually looking like a game, which was created by some modders, who likes James Bond series. Yeah, it's that rough and unpolished. Designers never heard of balance and common sense - some elements are overblown, others - not there at all. There are some things that has to be in this kind of game besides faces and voices of famous actors: breath-taking story with interesting characters, variety of weapons and gadgets, worthy opponents, some puzzles and such. Alas, Activision forgot about it all.

Plot is a usual story about stolen bioweapons and friends, who actually a foes. Missions have no connection at all! Fly there - kill a bad guy, go there - blow up factory, swim there - stole secret codes... Why I have to do this? What's my motivation? 'Cause M told me?

I wonder, what Activision has against Russians? Are they paranoids or what? MW, MW2, Black Ops, now this. Anyway, if you making a game about other country, why not respect their culture and language? I'm not talking about accent, I'm talking about simple words, which you could find in any dictionary! Whatta hell is "цхладзение"? I think it's "охлаждение", which means "cooling system", but I'm not sure.

Clearly, guys from Activision never were in Siberia, 'cause they have absolutely no idea about real ice color. Thick ice is white and non-transparent, while thin ice will be crushed by car's weight. Besides, there's no way to distinguish ice from water in this mission, so the only way to complete it - memorize the right path.

Bond's girl is just inappropriate. She has stronger character than Bond himself, while she must be inferior to him. And what about Bond's attitude? Normally he likes girls, but here Nicole following him in the couple of missions, but he's mostly avoiding her. So no lovestory, no sex scene - this isn't right, doesn't feel like Bond.

Mission in Bangkok is just a ****ing joke! Gigantic truck crushes everything in his way: cars, pedestrians, signs, road - and noone even care! What about the police or even the army? What, it's not a big deal? It's common? And when M tells Bond that he destroyed half of the Bangkok - she means it (although, I think it was intended as a joke and exaggeration)!

Five times in this game we have helicopter as a boss! Five ****ing times! What's with this guys, they have no imagination at all?! At the end, I was afraid that helicopters will replace regular enemies, and we'll be fighting only them. Actually, I'm surprised that Nicole was killed by Predator and not... guess who - helicopter!

There're not many weapons in this game. Two rifles, three SMGs and one pistol is all we got? Yes, they have two sniper rifles, grenade launcher and stun-gun, but look at the Quantum of Solace. Why not make all this stuff for us to choose from?

Car (and boat) chase scenes looks like something new at first, but they all similar. Scene, where we trying to shake someone off would've been nice.

So I think a recipe for this game was like this: take all good and interesting stuff in Bond series and multiply it by five. Bond fighting a helicopter? Make five helicopters! Bond is driving a tank in St. Petersburg? Make a truck five times bigger than a tank and reverse a scene! Giant driil? Even if it's not in the movies, make it and make it five times bigger! Again, why not make the story five times longer and five times more interesting?

If you still wanna play this game - wait until it's price drop to $5, the other way it's just not worth it.