User Rating: 9.4 | Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain PS
Anyone that loved Silicon Knights more recent masterpiece, Eternal Darkness, would do well to search every bargain bin in the country for a copy of Blood Omen. Kain was a nobleman that gets slayed, only to be resurrected by Mortanious (guardian of the death pillar) as a vampire. After he gets his revenge on his killers, Kain stumbles across the Pillars of Nosgoth. When the guardian of balance, Ariel, was killed, the other guardians were corrupted and thus so were the pillars and Nosgoth began plummeting into dark times. However, there is so much more to it. The great story, coupled with the awesome voice acting, alone justify a purchase. The gameplay is reminsicent of the Legend of Zelda : A Link to the Past. You play the game from a top-down perspective. You go from area to area killing each guardian (for the only way to recover the damage done to the Pillars is to kill the guardians so new ones can be born.) Along the way you'll collect various weapons and items that grant you access to other areas. (starting to sound a lot like a Zelda game, eh?) Because your health is always draining, Kain drinks the blood of people to recover. Gotta love draining blood from a distance. The game's only major flaw is the brutal load times. Ultimately, Blood Omen will go down as an all-time classic, and the pinnacle of the Legacy of Kain series. It comes highly recommended.