One of my favorites. Yet, it is HARD!

User Rating: 9.1 | Blood Omen 2 PS2
Blood Omen 2. What a game. Yet,. when I first played it on the Gamecube, I took the disc and snapped it in two because of the utter frustration of one of its puzzles. Let's rate this amazing work from Eidos.

Story: The story picks up from where Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen left us. Kain has been sleeping for 100 years and it awakened by a hot, lady vampire to wreak vengeance on the vampires who became Sirafan generals. I'll give the story a 7.

Gameplay: Yes! This game is MUCH better than Blood Omen 1 in terms of POV. Instead of having a burdensome birds eye view we now have a behind-the-back 3rd person view similar to the one found in Soul Reaver. The gameplay is outstanding... for the Legacy of Kain series, but that is still an accomplishment in it's own right. You get to fight vampires, kill humans, suck their blood, and kick some serious ass. Eidos and Crystal Dynamics decided to throw in some puzzles into the mix as well. Most of them are easy. Except for the one where you have to jump on top of a bridge from a crate then cross the bridge. On top of that you also had to position the bridge so that you could cross. That was the puzzle that made me destroy my Gamecube copy. 8/10

Sound: This is the melodic meat of this game. The music score in this game is harmonic and relates itself to operatic music. During intense battles the music will swell and it just takes you away into the land of Meridian. The blood sucking is your average sound multiplied to the common sound. The end result is amazing. 9/10

This game is amazing. If you like the Legacy of Kain series or just kicking the immortal ass of vampires then you will love this game. The puzzles get tedious but it does not take away from your sheer enjoyment of this game.