A fun game for the PSOne system. Too bad it went by unnoticed...

User Rating: 8 | Blockids PS
It's hard. Yeap. THIS game. Is hard.
But it's pretty damn fun! Why did it have to go on unnoticed?

Gameplay: You only need 3 buttons: Left, right, and X. Left to turn the bar left, right to turn the bar right, and X to make the ball jump. Pretty easy, huh?

Graphics: Pretty good, combined 3D and 2D graphics. The characters are funny to look at as well.

Sound: Eh, I cannot evaluate this, since I was most of the time with my headphones on. But it should be good, considering the game genre. Or at least addicting.

Replay Value: Infinite. To complete this, you have to play over and over. And there are 6 different characters. Besides, it is always fun to play a bit of it when you are bored or something.

Overall, it is a good experience, but only for fans of puzzle/pong games.

Final Score: 8.0