Scenario #2 as the Germans is probably the hardest to win in the entire Blitzkrieg game series!

User Rating: 6.5 | Blitzkrieg 2: Liberation PC
The second scenario CAN be won as the Germans. It is probably the hardest scenario to win in the entire Blitzkrieg, Blitzkrieg II, Sudden Strike, etc. series! The Allied forces attacking you are massive and seemingly endless. I tried this scenario dozens of times over several months and no stratergy seened to work. Your forces (The Germans) can hold at the town of Son, fairly easily and if you shift about half your forces in Eindhoven to Best, you can hold Best. The problem was always the massive (once again) allied attack on Eindhoven late in the scenario.

Spoiler Alert! The following is how to win this scenario. I include it only because the scenario seems impossible to win which makes the game appear 'defective'!

The key to winning this scenario is that sole engineer unit in Valkenswaard! You must get it to Eindhover asap and heavily mine the two bridges leading into Eindhoven, the railroad bridge and road bridge. Once a couple of leading tanks become disabled on the two bridges, only the allied infantry can get across! Your remaining forces in Eindhoven can hold (Pyrrhic style) just long enough for the last bridge to be blown.
Still be ready for a real challenge. It took several tries using this stratergy to finally win the scenario. The last of my defenders in Eindhoven were being wiped out when suddenly the Objective Completed message appeared on the screen...after so many failures, I was actually stunned that I had finally won!
A few more hints on the stratergy I got to work. Shift what ever forces you have left in Son after the bridge is blown to Best...they won't get there but they will distract & kill some of the allied forces attacking Best. Get them to chase your Panther! The forces I shifted from Eindhoven (you must do this at the start of the scenario) to Best were all the PanzerIV's, the two tank destroyers and all the 'loose' infantry (the ones not in houses). You must keep the rest of the units in Eindhoven to delay the allied infantry crossing the two mined bridges. Do shift the remaing forces in Eindhoven away from the mined bridges so that the stalled allied tanks cannot fire at them from the south bank. Save game often and keep monitoring all your forces (pause game). Directing your panzers fire in defending Best helps there.
Over all this is a typical Blitzkrieg game. If you like the Blitzkrieg / Sudden Strike series (which I do) go for it. Just don't give up on scenario #2 as the Germans...IT CAN BE WON!!!