What a great game. Super fun and only a couple minor bugs.

User Rating: 7.6 | Blitz: The League PS2
Blitz : The League is an absolutely great sports game. The controls are good, the graphics are decent, sound and gamplay are both fantastic. But, there are one or two minor glithes that really affect the game.

First off, the sound in this game is great. The selection of music is really good for a sports action game, especially if you like rap. Also, the sound effects when players run into each other, or when a bone snaps in two really makes you cringe.

The graphics are decent, but not nearly as good as the Madden or ESPN series. All cool feature of the game is when an injury occures and the camera briefly switched to an x-ray type shot of the muscle or bone that has been affected. On occasion, the camera sometimes shows the inside of the players hollow bodies during the brief cutscenes that occure throughout all the games. Also, the cutscenes when players get injured usually cut off before they actually finish.

Blitz's gameplay is just great. The controls are extreamly easy to master, and game play is extreamly fun, especially when you master the timing on evasion moves. Also, teams are awarded the ability to slow down time during the game by doing various things such as sacking the QB or doing a dirty hit on the ball carrier. When a player has the ball and slows down time, all the moves he does gain you icoms that award you with the ability to do some amazing things such as giving your QB brief immunity from sacks. There was once an occasion when my player was knocked out of bounds and the game simply didn't resume, byt other than that, stability is great. One big gripe I have with the game though, is the extreamly long load times. Whenever a game loads, it takes about a minute, and saving your game takes about two. There is a season mode, but it's basically involves you playing your team through dozens of increasingly harder games until you win the championships. There is no trading players or real team managment (other than selecting training and equipment). Also, there is no playbook creation in the game, you simply select between three styles of play (mainly running, mainly passing, or balanced).

Overall, the game is an excellent one. Of your a fan pf action sports, the blitz is probably the game to get this year. There are a couple bugs, but nothing that affects the gameplay performance.