umm...this is still like the first one...

User Rating: 7 | Blitz: The League II PS3
I was hoping a great sequel with more style into it but instead, I found the same old thing.

Blitz: The League 2 is filled with Gory Injuries, Late Hits, Deep Campaign, New Teams, New Hits, and Touchdown Celebrations. The Highlight was the Injury features. Seeing the bones break is cool but painful at the same time. There's even a injury to the groin...ouch. Also, the Late Hits are different but some are cool to do. The online mode is great because those who couldn't get online on The League I can get hands-on with The League 2.

Here's the bad: The graphics look like Blitz: The League on Xbox 360. The Late Hits are not the Late Hits you remember back when Midway had NFL in the title. The Cursing is extremely forced so make sure kids don't even set hands to the game.

Overall, It's really the same but with little new features. The new features save the game from being too bad.