Mario killer? Not even close

User Rating: 6.6 | Blinx: The Time Sweeper XBOX
There was quite a bit of hype for Blinx: The Time Sweeper, but the game just didn't perform. Some people were saying this game would be a Mario killer.... and boy were they wrong. Not only is this game not even close to being as good as a Mario game but it really isn't that great compared to other games. Gameplay has to be Blinx's best aspect. As Blinx you have the ability to control time. You can rewind, slow down, pause, fast forward, record. Rewind is used if you make a mistake and you need to try again, slow down and pause are used for a combat advantage, fast forward is to blaze through a level, and record is for you to see your own ghost and you can try to beat it. Graphics are cute, but we all know the Xbox's power and this just doesnt come up great. The enemies are quite possibly the lamest looking dudes I've layed eyes on in a while. Sound is ok. Again nothing revolutionary. The storyline is weak, and there is no character develpment. Bascially folks, if you're looking for an ok game than go ahead and pick this game up. For the rest of you, avoid this game.