A Time twisting puzzleing-plaformer game.

User Rating: 7.2 | Blinx: The Time Sweeper XBOX
Whats the time I'll tell you what the time is this is an xbox gam called Blinx the timesweeper who is this orange cat who is a timesweeper, but one day in the time factory time has been chos this gang called the Tom-Tom gang whicg pigs gather time crtstals to there boss plus they kidnap a young princss but they don't relize the time crystals can turn in to monsters that can destroy a world so its up to Blinx to save this world from Time freezeing forever.
The gameplay is very easy you sweep up junk by press the right trigger and you can fir junk at monsters. You get time crstals to do ifficult puzzles like a bidige is broken you can use a rewined, or a building about to collaps you can use a pause, and there are also these hearts which is you collect three it can boost your lif health. You have to get three or two tim crystals like pause,puase and a slow it can make one pause for you time control.
There are lots of levels and you have to complete a level under ten-minutes or its game over bit like Sonic on the sega megadrive if you played those games.
A wired platformer game but you shoul rent it before buying.