User Rating: 1.9 | Blinx: The Time Sweeper XBOX
I bought Blinx: The Time Sweeper for $10.00 new, and in my opinion the game wasn’t even worth that miniscule price. The reason I was interested in this game in the first place is because I was looking for another platformer similar to Voodoo Vince. You see, Voodoo Vince was the first game that my wife actually wanted to play on the XBOX so I was trying to find another title that would keep her interested in playing the XBOX. Blinx was a big disappointment. The gameplay is slow and clunky, and not engaging at all. I played the first two levels and had no desire to continue further. There is nothing really to keep your interest in the story or mission of the game, because there isn’t much of one to begin with. The only promising aspect of the game was the ability to control time, but even the novelty of that wears off fairly quickly. The time controls actually hinder the game, because they were kind of overdone, and it really interrupts any flow that this game might have had. The graphics had kind of a cheesy anime feel to them, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing but it was not what I was expecting. The music became very annoying very quickly, luckily you can turn it off in the options menu, otherwise I don’t think I could have made it through the two levels I did play. My verdict, if you haven’t guessed by now, is that this game is not even worth a rental. If you think you still might want to give it a try, find a friend that has it and borrow it for free.