Oh my god. Definently could've been better. WAY too repetitive. Pretty much a younger kids game.

User Rating: 5.5 | Blinx: The Time Sweeper XBOX
(This is my 3rd review so far.) Wow. What the freak? Blinx is a retarded cat that cant even talk right. This game is way way way way repetitive. And the little time crystals or whatever, are just plain obvious. Most of the monsters are just blobs anyway.

Blinx is a cat. A stupid cat. And the storyline is so freakin retarded. No offence to anyone who actually likes this game. But this game sucks. Im sorry. But i absolutely agree with the GameSpot Review 100%.

Yes, it may be true that the graphics are actually pretty good lookin. But the environment never changes that much. And like it said, Blinx uses the time crystals for pretty straight-foward techniques. This game makes me feel like i was a dumb ass to get this game. BUT THATS THE FREAKIN TRUTH!!!

The music is also annoying because its also repetitive. And whats the point of playin the levels over and over and over, when u know that the game usually never opens up a new story? WAY TO REPETITIVE. Thats all i gotta say. I totally agree with the review. And i give Blinx: The Retarded Cat, a 5.5 out of 10. Thats a sad score man. It really is. They really could have done better than that. This makes me not want to even rent the 2nd one.