not one of my favorites.......

User Rating: 7.5 | Blinx: The Time Sweeper XBOX
this wuz the second game i got on xbox. it looked pretty cool when i started playing ad i wuz like hey! this fun! u get 2 rewind and fast forward and stuff liek that! but after a while it gets boring. and dont 4get frustrating. definetly frustrating.

i think i got past like got past the first level, and i wuz pretty ored already. u do the same damn thing over and over again and once u finished a level and u feel like u've completed sumthin, u have 2 do it all over again!

i never did finish the game. it seems like the story duzn't really go wit wat ur doin i nthe game. ur supposed 2 lie save a princess or sumthin, but i never got a chance 2 c the princess! the bosses r cheesy. been there dun that. pretty boring.

the grphics look really good tho! they have this unique kind of look. like glassy or sumthin. its cool. thats the only compliment i can really give.......i tried 2 like this game but after abotu 2 months of playing i stopped. it wuz a waste of money. i dont reallly like saying that because the game could've been really good, but they jus didnt step it up enuff.

it is good 4 a rent tho. so rent be4 u buy anf ur into doin the same thing over again this game is 4 u!