Ugh, for 18$ canadian, it was a dissapointment. The gameplay is mediocre with splashes of fun here and there.

User Rating: 2.8 | Blinx: The Time Sweeper XBOX
Blinx is not one of my proudest purchases, it was a little on the crappy side. You play as a time traveling janitor cat which sounds awesome but it really isn't. You go around picking up garbage to hurl at the most nsightly creatures (in a bad way). The developers couldn't have spent more than half a yeasr making this, and it will only appeal to cat lovers and children alike, even then it might be a dissapointment to them. The gameplay is horrible, graphics are okay i guess, but any designer who doesn't want to spend time on graphics will use another "art style". Sound sucks, the music is a 3 second beat that loops again and again and again. It's relatively easy and then the going gets tough, nay, near impossible and you wonder why you spent so much time playing it. All in all, frustration is inevitable, so I'll doom it to the archives of horrible games.