I'm afraid as much as I love the anime Bleach, the Wii game Shattered Blade was an amazingly humongous flop.

User Rating: 2 | Bleach Wii: Hakujin Kirameku Rondo WII
The graphics were terrible, although this is to be expected of any Wii game trying to pull off a major title such as Bleach.

The story plot was just awful, although repeatable amidst an array of different characters (excluding any Espada or hollows unfortunately; even Ichigo's hollow mask)... it just made it that much worse in that it becomes so tediously boring you start to wonder what in god's name the programmers were doing whilst supposedly making a video game.
Wii remotes didn't require much effort to play.
The game literally took about 40 minutes to complete and from then onwards it was grinding characters to use in free play and animations of various soul reaper powers.

The only good thing you could pick out was the genuine actors voices in the dialogue (which was repetitive) and even then it wasn't that great.

Any hardcore Bleach fan should stay at least a million no's away from buying this "game".