Not quite up to the series standards.

User Rating: 6 | Bleach Wii: Hakujin Kirameku Rondo WII
Ok so being a total Bleach junkie and partial expert on the series I was so excited to buy this game. And at first when you play episode mode it's like okay collect the shards should be interesting. However it's fight after fight after fight. Which is hey a good thing. I mean fighting characters like Renji and Izuru and Byakuya how is that not fun. But you fight around 6 characters before coming up to the 'boss' of the characters story. And it the same ending guy for every characters story. Same guy, same powers, same background story and of course the same bad espada-spanish accent. But of course depending how far you are into the series you will believe this blue haired zanpaktou carrying oddball is a hollow. Wrong. Ok the idea is great but they needed to add more substance have the objective for all of the available characters from the episode mode be different I mean they all need the shards of the sokyoku to either get stronger, return home, or restore the peace. Even if you enjoy each individual's journey you will most likely be disappointed at how each story ends with the character you selected being tricked. The odd hollow man can change shape. He wants your character to collect the shards and give them to him by impersonating an important figure and then having them tell your character to get the shards for some fake reason. The voice overs are pretty good you know for dubbing, the apperence is also fairly good for 3-D models but just the overall game isnt good. I recommend renting it then buying it. Because I along with many others ran out and bought it and now am regretting it. They could've done better to represent our beloved Bleach.