Although somewhat repetitive, Bleach: Shattered Blade is a good fighter for hardcore fans and casual gamers alike.

User Rating: 8.5 | Bleach Wii: Hakujin Kirameku Rondo WII
Bleach: Shattered Blade marks the debut of the popular Anime/Manga series on the Nintendo Wii, and is a great game over all for hardcore fans and casual fighter players.

First off, the game deals great justice to the series. There is full voice acting by all of the characters and the game makes reference to the original story on many occasions. Thirty-two characters are selectable, from the basics (like Ichigo and Chad) to characters not yet seen in America (Grimmjow and Ulqoirra). Most of the characters fit in well with the fighting mechanics of the game; all except Uryu Ishida. While his inclusion makes sense, as he is a pivotal story character, his fighting style doesn't really work here.

The game is played by swinging the Wii remote as a sword. Whichever way you swing, the Wii will pick it up and your character will follow. You you swing from the bottom up; So will your character. The fighting feels really nice and works for the battles in Bleach. The only major problem is that sometimes, during the "Clash" minigame, the Sensor Bar doesn't read the moves correctly, and you'll often find yourself preforming a move that you didn't want.

The graphics are really good, and Cel Shading definatley looks good in the Wii system. Everything flows real nice and the backgrounds are pretty. There is only one issue, which is poor collision detection on the character models. You'll often find clothes and weapons overlapping. it's not a big deal, but is somewhat bothersome.

All around, Bleach: Shattered Blade is a great game for anybody looking for a fighting game on the Wii, and I wholeheartedly recommend it.