A surprisingly decent game, but no online or download play and a very short single player.

User Rating: 6.5 | BlazBlue: Battle x Battle DS
Graphics: 8/10
Sound: 7/10
Presentation: 4/10
Gameplay: 7/10
Replayability: 4/10

Graphics: Actually, the graphics are pretty solid for a DSiWare game. The character models look quite nice, and the character portraits are adorable =)

Sound: It doesn't have the awesome metal riffs from the actual Blazblue games unfortunately, but the DS versions of all the songs are pretty well done. Voice samples from Blazblue managed to make it in too, though they're sometimes unfitting.

Presentation: Naturally, a game like Blayzbloo (ByB? BBoo? idk) isn't really going to have a story, beyond simple character backgrounds. The menu can be a little confusing at first too, and there's a lot of loading screens.

Gameplay: The gameplay itself is surprisingly fun despite how simple it is, you just have an attack, a drive attack, and a jump button. There's also various items. But there's one huge problem: no online, and no download play. The only way you can play multiplayer is if you have up to 3 friends who also have DSi's with... BBoo... on them. Which, isn't too likely. And, the equivalent to an arcade mode is very short, and pretty easy except for Boss Ragna at the end.

Replayability: Because you're not likely to play multiplayer and the single player is short, this game won't last you a very long time despite being fun for a short while.