The beginning is silly, but it doesn't come close to how the game is.

User Rating: 8.9 | Blaster Master NES
This game is definatally in the catergory of "Classic". You start out in a tank, and you must go through level to level using the tank and gaining powerups for it such as missiles and I do believe you can hover as well. But you don't go through the whole game with the tank as you can push Select to jump out and you can walk inside of places, which this is the only way you can get inside them. Once you do this, you can gain life for your tank or for yourself, powerups and fight the boss of the level if you go to the right area.

This game is definatally worth it if you're an action/platformer fan, but make sure you have plenty of time as this game has no save points or passwords. Good luck on it! I've still not beaten it.