Bioshock, 1 1/2 years later, is still the best single player first person shooter experience on the market.

User Rating: 10 | BioShock X360
I love this game and its beautiful, interesting, dark, savage, fantastic, and interesting world. I don't want to bore you with re-reviewing this game, but I wanted to put in my two cents and say that this game beats Call of Duty 4 (both), Half Life 2 and both of its Episodes, Gears of War 2, and everything else that has come out since. I have gone back to playing it exclusively. I love the plot lines, the graphics the sound effects, and the personalities of the people you meet and put out of their misery.

This game was built entirely for the single player, and in an era of multiplayer games and games built to straddle the divide, this game is purely for your solo immersion.

As you explore an art-deco underwater utopia-gone-wrong you encounter the remnants of the population: deranged, genetically damaged people called splicers who see all outsiders as threats. Along the way you pick up audio tapes left behind by scientists and luminaries of the failed underwater city of Rapture, and learn what befell it. Every area can be completed with a variety of approaches depending on how you want to configure your abilities that include sending electric shocks for your fingertips, telekinesis and fooling enemies into attacking each-other. The environment is highly useable and includes puddles of water that can be used to enhance electric shocks, security cameras, gun turrets, and other devices that you can turn to your advantage.

This game is totally immersive and if you turn out the lights, it is truly very creepy.