Bioshock renames the FPS genre and adds new twists that will keep you wanting more.

User Rating: 9.5 | BioShock PS3
STORY: You are Jack Ryan, a seemingly normal man until a plane you are on crashes in the middle of the Atlantic. From there you discover Rapture, an underwater dystopian city that has gone to Hell with the usage of a substance that can rewrite one's genetic code- ADAM. You find out that the man behind the mess, Andrew Ryan, still resides in the city. You are to kill him with the aid of Atlas, your seemingly friendly mentor. The story is fantastic, and alot of twists are added. The game lasted me about 14-16 hours (depending on how much you explore).

GRAPHICS: Fantastic. Environments are spooky and sometimes lively, and bring back culture and style from the 50s and 60s. Character models look good, as well as animations. Blood and gore effects are also fun to look at. Rapture is FULL of all kinds of advertisements and propaganda which is interesting to look at. Overall, the visuals are great.

GAMEPLAY: Extremely fun and addicting. You can use plasmids, which are basically lethal abilities which can be upgraded to get stronger. Some plasmids include Incinerate!, Electro-Bolt, and Insect Swarm. Little Sisters carry ADAM, and you must defeat their "Big Daddy" or big metal brute, to acquire the substance. ADAM buys you plasmids and tonics, which are like perks that grant you certain bonuses or abilities. The arsenal of guns is small, but it wasn't meant to be big. You can upgrade the guns too, and its not just "upgrade damage, upgrade reload speed," you can upgrade rate of fire, overheating, damage, better accuracy, and more. Each upgrade adds a visible attachment to the gun, to make it look BEAST. The gameplay is very fun, and resembles the RPG genre. There are SO many combinations to create using plasmids and guns, and this adds alot of replayability to the game.

AUDIO/SOUNDTRACK: The music can be freaky, classical, or just plain weird. There are lots of oldies songs in the game, which adds history as well as style to the atmosphere. Sounds are great, and audio recordings sound very nice. The voiceacting is good, but not fantastic.



Pros: Fantastic visuals, alot of space to explore, amazing soundtrack, great replayability, addicting combat and upgrade system
Cons: The voiceacting could be slightly better