Man I know it gets old seeing the same stuff and the devloper of bioshock must have thought so also.

User Rating: 9 | BioShock PC
There are games that change how we play and then there are those who truly inovate in areas that are already here.Bioshock takes the stale FPS genere and shakes things up a bit.It has a different setting,you can use powers called plasmids that really help set it apart and its just all around solid.It stacks up too a great game but still under all that its still a First person shooter but with fun new twists.

The graphics are just great.Still i'm a picky person and really have not ben that hyped about this gen of graphics.Now they are good but still not a huge leap forward as far as i'm concerned.Am I blind you might ask no I am not,what I mean is look at the detail in resident evil 4,its great.Now look at bioshock yes it is better with better textures,lighting,effects,more details and just a better clearer picture all around if you have the stuff to make it shine.Still its just not a huge leap ahead for me,more like a hop and a skip.Bioshock does look great though and you will be in awe of rapture but some of this is due to the art direction,which is just fantastic.The sounds are really cool and even with 2.5 surround sound it sounds just fantastic.The controls are tight but I found myself missing some when I was sure that I hit my mark,still everything is brought together in a really polished package.

For the record this is a review so don't get mad at my opinion please,I am reviewing the game and that means I must give my honest opinion on how I feel about everything,So I will point out things that flaw the game in my opnion.

Ok anyways on to the gameplay.The gameplay is for sure the coolest part of bioshock.For many cool reasons.Number 1 would be the cool setting it takes place in.You will notice this almost at the start of the game.Your plane will crash and before you know it your in rapture.Rapture is a massive underwater city where people went to do what they do without restrictions.Somehow everything ended up going nuts down there which is obvious when you arrive.They where doing many crazy things in rapture but i'll leave the rest to you find out.

The next thing that is cool is yes it does something different for the fps genere.You not only get your usual guns and stuff,you now have powers via plasmids that you must use to advance.Shoot lighting out to give a door the juice it needs to raise,or wait until your enemies are in a pool of water and shock it and in turn fry them all.Its cool and there are many plasmids, and they all have a use you will be flaming,catching things with your mind and tossing it back and much much also get items off of enemies which is not big lol but you can use the cash at certain places to add more slots to your guy and in turn have more plasmids at once and other things.I mean I can't tell you enough how great of a job they did on this game.Bioshock deserves much of its scores just based on the fact that the developer was actually not affraid to go a little off the beaten path thank goodness.

Still even with all of this at times it almost felt like I was playing just another FPS,but then something neat would happen and then another time it would feel like a regular FPS again and then more cool stuff would happen.Its not perfect but you can tell that they tried really hard to make a game that is well worth your money and thats something that seems to becoming a lost art in video games.These devlopers stick to what works and ya its fun every now and then when I get really bored but not worth 50$ bucks everytime one comes out,thankfully like I said you won't have the same problem with this game.It feels the same old stuff at times but has enough cool new stuff in it to more than make it worth your time.Bioshock is a true step forward for what can be done with the FPS genere.